While Waiting...

The concept of waiting is that which is applicable to all creatures, at one point or the other in our lifetime.

We wait for different things such as answers to prayers, examination results, someone, some news, resolutions etc.

Some waiting is definite because there is a known timeline, while some leave us in limbo because we are not sure of when the waiting period would be over. As a result of this, we express different dispositions during our period of waiting.

These dispositions can be in the form of anxiety about what would be, fear of the unknown, joyful anticipation, dread and so much more. Let me mention this before continuing that our disposition while waiting most times will be a determinant of the outcome of our waiting. Our disposition, especially if negative, can eat us up so much that we might become blinded to reality and end up taking a wrong step or decision.

This article, “While waiting” is going to come in a series and in this particular series, let us rub minds on while waiting for a life partner.

A lot of people erroneously believe that this issue of waiting for a life partner and entertaining the notion or the fear that time is running out on them is only applicable to female folks.  This of course is a sham!

As much as the outlook of this on the female folk might be different from the male, both folks experience this. This outlook exists for the two at different levels/degrees and for whatever reason.

Some weeks back while having a conversation with some people, a colleague shared the experience of a brother-in-law who is just approaching his late 20s and who is already feeling so desperate for marriage. He feels the time is running out on him and so tries all his possible best to ensure he gets serious with most of the ladies that come his way, even when there is a need for him to flee from such. She expressed how concerned everyone in the family has been, appealing to him to calm down and take it easy. I had to ask to know if this guy in question was of good looks, good job and all. Alas, answers to all the questions posed came out in the affirmative. So, I was able to rule out that his anxiety is not because of his bad looks because I learnt he’s good-looking, the anxiety did not stem from a lack of financial stability, he’s got a great and well-paying job. I guess at this point, some of us would be like, so what’s his stress? The truth is we really can never be sure, even he might not be so certain of how and why he got himself into this frantic phase.

Apparently, this matter affects both parties for whatever reason, which might include but not limited to family pressure, peer pressure, societal pressure and self-inflicted pressure which might have stemmed from living our lives based on other people’s standards. Social media is not helping matters too, as a lot of people keep feeding themselves with illusions and fantasies that are far from reality.

So, what do we say about this situation of desperation to settle down in marriage?

For the married ones, what do you have to say about this?

What do we have to tell ourselves who are in this waiting room?

How do we encourage others who feel life is not fair to them because it’s their belief that they are staying too long in the waiting room for a spouse?

Have you got a personal story to share that you think can lift someone else’s spirit? You can choose to remain anonymous.

 What do you have to say to encourage a lady or a guy out there to not give up on living life, but to focus on living and fulfilling purpose while waiting.

Please, let’s rub minds on this topic and help each other to take that step, the bold and giant step to living a fulfilled life while waiting.


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